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The climate of Bhutan
Bhutan is a country in Asia situated in the Himalayan mountain range. Because of the large differences in altitude there are large contrasts in precipitation figures and temperatures. On the one hand the mountains prevent the rain from reaching several valleys. On the other hand rain clouds may remain hanging in one place causing large amounts of rain. Several types of climates can be found within Bhutan. The southern part has a warm China climate (type Cwa) and a moderate China climate (type Cwb). The northern part of the country which mainly consists of medium-high mountains and high mountains has a combination of land climates (Dw types) with dry winters and wet summers.


Climate information of places and areas in Bhutan
The climate information on this page is only brief. Specific information about weather and climate can be found on the climate pages per area or town. As for Bhutan the following climate information is available:


Dry And wet season
Bhutan has a distinct dry season from November till March. April and October are transitional months from a dry season to the monsoon. The wet season is from May till September. During this period the total amount of annual rain falls. During the winter little precipitation can be expected. In the medium-high and high mountains precipitation almost always falls in the form of snow. The lower areas don’t get wintry weather that often because day time temperatures are well above freezing point during the winter. The highest peaks in the northern part of Bhutan have everlasting snow and glaciers from 6,000 meters.

Because Bhutan is situated in the Himalayas people wrongly assume that it has a cold climate. During the winter it is cold on high mountain peaks. However, in the medium-high areas subzero temperatures only occur during the night. Even during the winter temperatures of 4-10 degrees Celsius during the day are not uncommon. It may even get a little warmer. During the summer temperatures are 15-25 degrees Celsius on average. In the warmer southern part of the country temperatures of 30 degrees can even be recorded.


Climate figures
The figures below are based on long term weather and climate records. They are an average for the capital Thimphu and cannot be seen as an average for Bhutan. Please visit the individual pages for climate information on other places and regions in Bhutan.

temperature (°C)


temperature (°C)
hours of sunshine

average days with precipitation
per month
per month
temperature (°C)
January 9 -4 8 1 n/a
February 11 -3 7 1 n/a
March 14 3 8 3 n/a
April 17 6 8 6 n/a
May 20 12 7 12 n/a
June 23 13 6 17 n/a
July 27 13 5 21 n/a
August 25 15 5 21 n/a
September 22 14 5 15 n/a
October 21 9 7 5 n/a
November 17 3 8 2 n/a
December 13 -2 8 1 n/a
= 0-5 mm ● = 6-30 mm ● = 31-60 mm ● = 61-100 mm ● = 101-200 mm ● = over 200 mm
= 0-0.2 inches ● = 0.2-1.2 inches ● = 1.2-2.4 inches ● = 2.5-4 inches ● = 4.1-8 inches ● = over 8 inches

More climate information
Climate tables are useful but they don’t give an overall picture of the climate and possible weather conditions during a period of time. How high the chances are of hot or cold weather or hurricanes can often not be found in these tables. This is why we offer extra climate information per month. The information below is an average for the capital Thimphu.
Please visit the individual pages for climate information on other places and regions in Bhutan.

chance of
(very) hot


chance of
(very) cool
chance of

chance of
chance of
sunny days


click here for the explanation of the symbols


The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.


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