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The climate of Cannes (France)
Cannes is a popular seaside resort that was built for the village of Le Cannet. Within some decades the place has developed into a real town with the tourist region Cannes La Bocca on the westside. Altogether the town of Cannes has less than a hundred thousand inhabitants, but during the summermonths there is a multiple of this number of inhabitants staying here. Cannes is known for its luxury hotels, the splendid Boulevard Croisette, the two yacht-havens with extremely luxurious yachts and the many exhibitions and festivals that are held here, of which the annual filmfestival is the best-known and is partially responsible for the international reputation of this French seaside resort. International filmstars let themselves be admired on the red carpets of the fine hotels such as the Martinez, Carlton, Majestic and Noga Hilton. The winters are mild owing to the influence of the Mediterranean Sea. The temperature seldom reaches the frost-line and there is hardly any chance of frost or snow. Spring mostly begins in March and in that period the temperature already regularly rises towards twenty degrees. From May up to and including September most of the days the weather is lovely with much sun and agreeable temperatures. October can also bring along many splendid days but the water in most swimming-pools at the hotels is cool then (16 to 18 degrees) and the chance of rain strongly increases. In the period of the middle of October until the middle of December there is averagely the most precipitation with in November an average of well over a hundred millimeters a month.


Climate information
The data below is based on registered weather data and applies to Cannes:

temperature (°C)


temperature (°C)
hours of sunshine

average days with precipitation
per month
per month
temperature (°C)
January 12 5 5 12 13
February 13 6 6 11 13
March 14 7 7 12 13
April 18 9 8 11 14
May 22 12 9 10 16
June 25 16 10 9 19
July 28 19 12 5 22
August 27 20 10 6 23
September 25 16 8 8 21
October 21 13 7 11 19
November 16 9 5 12 16
December 13 6 5 12 14
= 0-5 mm ● = 6-30 mm ● = 31-60 mm ● = 61-100 mm ● = 101-200 mm ● = over 200 mm
= 0-0.2 inches ● = 0.2-1.2 inches ● = 1.2-2.4 inches ● = 2.5-4 inches ● = 4.1-8 inches ● = over 8 inches

More climate information
Climate figures are very useful but don’t present a general impression of the climate and the eventual weather circumstances within a certain period. The figures don’t always reflect the chance of wintry weather, extreme heat or hurricanes. That is why we offer useful extra climate information for each month of the year:

chance of
(very) hot


chance of
(very) cool
chance of

chance of
chance of
sunny days


click here for the explanation of the symbols

The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.


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