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Hebron information
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The climate of Hebron (Palestinian Territories)
Hebron is located on the West Bank and is part of the Palestinian Territories. Hebron is an important city for Jews, Muslims and Christians. According to legend matriarchs and patriarchs are buried here. Abraham was said to have bought a cave and a piece of land here to give the members of his family a last resting place. Because of this many people from several different countries go on a pilgrimage to Hebron. Hebron is an ancient city and probably dates back to the Bronze Age. Just like other cities in this region Hebron has been under the rule of different peoples and has been part of several different empires. A beautiful museum with all kinds of treasures from the past can be visited here. Nowadays Hebron is an important economic center, largely due to the sale of marble which is quarried here. Another main source of income is the trading in glass and figs. Hebron is also part of the conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Territories. According to the UN there have been illegal Israel colonies surrounding the city for years. The colonists claim that the city belongs to their ancestors and should be given back to them. However, the UN has stated that these colonies are illegal, but has yet to take action to evacuate the area. Hebron has a Mediterranean climate with mild and rainy winters. During the winter temperatures drop but remain pleasant. Especially during autumn a lot of rain can be expected. During spring temperatures rapidly rise, during the entire summer temperatures are pleasantly warm to even hot. Precipitation figures during this period are extremely low.


Climate information
The figures below are based on long term weather and climate records. They are an average for Hebron.

temperature (°C)


temperature (°C)
hours of sunshine

average days with precipitation
per month
per month
temperature (°C)
January 12 4 6 13 n/a
February 14 5 7 12 n/a
March 16 6 8 10 n/a
April 21 9 9 5 n/a
May 25 12 11 2 n/a
June 28 15 13 0 n/a
July 29 17 13 0 n/a
August 29 17 12 0 n/a
September 28 16 11 0 n/a
October 25 14 9 3 n/a
November 19 9 8 7 n/a
December 14 6 6 11 n/a
= 0-5 mm ● = 6-30 mm ● = 31-60 mm ● = 61-100 mm ● = 101-200 mm ● = over 200 mm
= 0-0.2 inches ● = 0.2-1.2 inches ● = 1.2-2.4 inches ● = 2.5-4 inches ● = 4.1-8 inches ● = over 8 inches

More climate information
Climate figures are very useful but don’t present a general impression of the climate and the eventual weather circumstances within a certain period. The figures don’t always reflect the chance of wintry weather, extreme heat or hurricanes. That is why we offer useful extra climate information for each month of the year:

chance of
(very) hot


chance of
(very) cool
chance of

chance of
chance of
sunny days


click here for the explanation of the symbols

The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.


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