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The climate of Indiana (United States of America)
The state of Indiana is located in the northern part of the United States of America. Among petrol heads the state is mainly known for the Indianapolis 500 mile race, also known as the Indy 500. This race is held annually on the Sunday prior to Memorial Day and is among the best known motor sports races in the world. The landscape of Indiana is quite flat, on average located at an altitude of 230 meters above sea level. Indiana has three climate zones. The most northerly located part has a moderate continental climate. in the south a small zone can be found with a warm maritime climate (type Cfa according to the Köppen climate classification). However, the largest part of Indiana has a warm continental climate (type Dfa according to the Köppen climate classification). This climate is characterized by warm to very warm summers and winters in which snowfall and longer periods with subzero temperatures are not uncommon. In January, which is the coldest month average minimum temperatures are -10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit). During the warmest month, which is July temperatures are around 30 degrees Celsius (86 degrees Fahrenheit) or even higher in the southern part of the state. In the northern part of Indiana the vegetation period lasts 155 days per year, in the south 185 days. About half of the annual snowfall is caused by ‘Lake effect snow’. During cooler atmospheric conditions when cold winds move across long expanses of warmer lake water, water vapor is picked up. The vapor freezes and is deposited in the form of snow.

Climate information of places in Indiana
The climate information given on this page is only brief. Specific information on weather and climate can be found on the pages per region or city. The following climate information is available for Indiana:

Fort Wayne
South Bend


Climate information
Throughout Indiana several climate figures and temperatures can be recorded. The figures below are for Indianapolis and cannot be seen as an average for this state. For climate figures for other places and regions in Indiana please, visit the individual climate pages.

temperature (°C)


temperature (°C)
hours of sunshine

average days with precipitation
per month
per month
temperature (°C)
January 1 -9 4 11 n/a
February 4 -7 5 10 n/a
March 10 -2 6 13 n/a
April 17 5 7 12 n/a
May 23 11 9 11 n/a
June 28 16 10 10 n/a
July 30 18 10 10 n/a
August 29 17 9 9 n/a
September 25 13 8 8 n/a
October 19 6 6 9 n/a
November 11 1 4 11 n/a
December 4 -5 3 13 n/a
= 0-5 mm ● = 6-30 mm ● = 31-60 mm ● = 61-100 mm ● = 101-200 mm ● = over 200 mm
= 0-0.2 inches ● = 0.2-1.2 inches ● = 1.2-2.4 inches ● = 2.5-4 inches ● = 4.1-8 inches ● = over 8 inches

More climate information
Climate tables are useful but they don’t give an overall picture of the climate and possible weather conditions during a period of time. How high the chances are of hot or cold weather or hurricanes can often not be found in these tables. This is why we offer extra climate information per month. The figures below apply to Indianapolis. For climate figures on specific regions and places please, visit the relevant individual climate pages

chance of
(very) hot


chance of
(very) cool
chance of

chance of
chance of
sunny days


click here for the explanation of the symbols

The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.


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