The climate of Delft (the Netherlands)
Delft is a large town centrally located in the province of South
Holland in the Delft municipality. Delft is also known as ‘The
Prince’s town’ because it has close connections with the Royal family.
Willem van Oranje (William of Orange) was murdered in the Prinsenhof
(Prince’s Court) in 1584 by Balthasar Gerards. The mausoleum of Willem
van Oranje can be found in the Nieuwe Kerk (New Church). In this
church the Royal Family also has their crypt. The tower of the Nieuwe
Kerk is the second highest church tower in the Netherlands; the Dom
Tower in Utrecht is the highest. The old city center of Delft has been
well preserved. Among the most beautiful buildings are: the
Prinsenhof, Nieuwe Kerk, Gemeenlandshuis, the City Hall, the Weighing
house, the Oostpoort (Eastern Gate) and the Oude Kerk (Old Church).
Besides all these sights it is very nice to stroll through the small
streets and courtyards. Delft has a technical university. Delft is
also known for its ‘Delfts blauw’ (Delft Blue) This white porcelain
with blue drawings was originally used as a cheaper alternative for
the more expensive Chinese porcelain. Delft has a moderate maritime
climate strongly influenced by the North Sea and the warm Gulf Stream.
Because of these influences there is little difference in temperature
between summer and winter. During the summer daytime temperatures are
around 20 degrees Celsius; during the winter a few degrees above
freezing point. Longer periods with subzero temperatures are uncommon.
Climate information
The data below is based on registered weather data and applies to
More climate information
Climate figures are very useful but don’t present a general impression
of the climate and the eventual weather circumstances within a certain
period. The figures don’t always reflect the chance of wintry weather,
extreme heat or hurricanes. That is why we offer useful extra climate
information for each month of the year:
The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.