The climate of Le Port (Réunion)
Le Port lies on the coast in the north-west of Réunion. Le Port may be
the smallest municipality in the island but is at the same time the
most important port in the island. In Le Port a number of beautiful
old quays have still been preserved and they now form the town view,
together with a number of old houses. Just like the rest of the isle
of Réunion, Le Port has a tropical monsoon climate. Throughout the
year this place enjoys many sunny hours; even during the rainy season
the sun shines here quite regularly. The cold season is from May until
October. The warm season, from November until April, is the period in
which most hurricanes and rain-showers occur. The rainfall in this
part of the island is somewhat less than on the east-side, mainly due
to the shelter of the mountain-ridge.
Climate information
The data below is based on registered weather data and applies to
Le Port:
More climate information
Climate figures are very useful but don’t present a general impression
of the climate and the eventual weather circumstances within a certain
period. The figures don’t always reflect the chance of wintry weather,
extreme heat or hurricanes. That is why we offer useful extra climate
information for each month of the year:
The information at this site was carefully composed from climate data collected by meteorological services, meteorological offices, climate experts and other sources. “More climate info” is based on statistics, climate data and personal experience. No rights can be derived from this site. Weather has no memory and gives no guaranties. Nothing is as changeable and unpredictable as the weather. The authors of this site feel in no way responsible for any damages caused by misinterpretation or other circumstances that may influence your holiday or trip to a certain destination. We provide information, it’s up to the reader to use it to it’s benefit.